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what is place of asp.net & MVC in web programming there were no explanations about .
3 Respuestas
+ 1
it is used in back end bro
it will be dealt later when we complete
client side 'coding
asp.net is a technology that made by Microsoft to using C# programming language for making Web Application based on .Net Framework.
MVC is a architecture that divides your application in 3 parts : Models , Views , Controllers
1.Models contains classes that you want ro store data on it and retrieved data from it
2. Views are .cshtml or .aspx files that contains Html codes for UI
3. Controllers are classes that make connections between View and Model
another architecture that made C# as a Web programming language is webform.
C# with asp.net based on MVC is Back-end or Server-side programming
in other words server-side program is a program that tenders UI for user and show data to users and retrieve data from user and make proccess on it