+ 1

Search a word in a string

I want to make a Programm to analize big Text,so i want to know If there is a function to search a word in a string

14th Feb 2020, 5:50 PM
Daniel Vetter
Daniel Vetter - avatar
4 Respuestas
14th Feb 2020, 10:06 PM
Kaneki Ken
Kaneki Ken - avatar
+ 2
14th Feb 2020, 9:40 PM
HonFu - avatar
+ 1
Salam You can make a simple loop that compare evry word in a string with the word to search for, using std::string::compare().
14th Feb 2020, 8:39 PM
Rafik Abdelhak Nadir
Rafik Abdelhak Nadir - avatar
why not check C++ documentation online that will definetely help you understand string manipulation better and all that exit
14th Feb 2020, 5:52 PM
✳AsterisK✳ - avatar