The HTML colors is confusing me, I don't understand the #FF000,#00000 e.t.c
Very hard and i do not know.
7 Respuestas
+ 3
Heck this about color in html
+ 2
I'd say, play around with this for a while, to get a feeling for it.
+ 1
its quite easy if you know different ways to write colors in html/css.
so #000000 these are hex code where first two 0 is for red next 2 for green and last 2 for blue. eg: #ff0000 here it gives us red color because other primary colors green and blue are 0. for some shortcut remember f as full now you can play wit hex codes by give changing some values #3498db its light blue. where characters come that color becomes strong remember that
Please help
start with a #
the first 2 digits are for red, next 2 for green, last 2 for blue
numbers are from 0 to 255 (0xff)
to convert from decimal to hex (you need to to use this format) long divide the decimal number by 16. quotient is first digit, remainder is second. 10=a, 11=b... 15=f
example: ff0000 (or just f00) is pure red, 808080 is gray, 0080ff is blueish cyan, etc.
for common colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names/