Can wE usEd 2 oR mOre saMe kEys iN a diCtioNary
yes or not plz tell me, if yes then how?
5 Respuestas
+ 6
nO, keYs iN dicTionAriEs haVe to bE uniQue.
+ 3
Yes and No.
Lets say we created a dictionary in this manner:
dict = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key1': 'value3'}
Yes this will work just fine. However, No you will not have 2 different values for key1 and you will not have 3 key-value pairs in your dictionary.
The second call to key1 will overwrite the first value of key1 ending up with a dictionary like so:
{'key1': 'value3', 'key2': 'value2'}
+ 3
If you declare two or more key/values pair with same key, last declaration will overwrite previous:
d = { "key": "value", True: "why not boolean", "key": 42, 1: "you can also integer", "1": "different from previous" }
... will result as: d == { "key": 42, True: "you can also integer", "1": "different from previous" }
As True and 1 are equals in Python, assignement to integer key 1 overwrite boolean key True, while string key "1" does'nt interfere...
And dicts are unordered list, so you cannot predict order, but order of declaration is important for declaration in case of overwritting, and for the textual representation ( with first boolean key assignement, the key keep the representation of "True", even we can access it with True or 1... while with first integer declaration, the representation of the key will remain "1" along the key life )
Why would you want that? Keys have to be unique
ya I know bt my question is can I used?