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Can someone put a tutorial for some most basic app for JavaScript? Would be perfect without any img inputs
Been stuck all the time when starting to learn again and again for some weeks until give up for some year cause don't know how to learn and what to do, been watching YouTube videos, doing these online courses here and in other places but still feel like absolutely zero knowledge has been earned and don't know what to do after these courses, rewriting someone's game for example pretty much also don't give me knowledge to write something like that by my own from zero..
11 Respuestas
Search for a calculator
Already made one but learned nothing much, maybe some game most basic shorter without CSS and pictures?? And in my code I get some error line 125..
I did this calculator but didn't understand much so I could make it without YouTube, maybe there is some more simple codes?
Think of a game by yourself and then try to make by yourself.
You will apply what you know.
That's how you can create more ways of doing the same thing.
that's how I am learning python
Man I just created this calculator from YouTube and now I try to do it again without looking and can't do shit
I think
You should revise everything
See you should know the things and you should be able to manipulate them and apply them in the required way
that's learning
Can you tell why you can't do anything without looking?
I think you are memorising the code.
Understand the code buddy.
If you know what a code does and how it does , you can use wherever you like
You mean if I do the same code over and over again until I can remember and write all without looking would be more useful than just doing random stuf that I don't understand?
No. Absolutely not.
You should understand the code.
Meaning of every word in the code.
Then construct some program using the knowledge.
E.g. if want to make a calculator ,
You know that you need at least two input , some buttons for different operations and result box.
You also know what code will do what.
Now you have to arrange these things in the required way
Goddamn I have spent so much time on learning and I dont understand nothing but for example var x = 2+2
Console.log(x) will print 4!!
what is the right way of learning something? right now I could say I have spent like a month with 12hours daily reading and doing these tasks and best I can do is body { background-color:red