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Can someone please help me with the code below.
I'm doing a JavaScript course via Udemy since I didn't want to rely on once source. Everytime I try to run the code below I get an error pointing at line of my code when I'm using Sololearn's Code Playground. What could be the problem since the problem runs well on Atom.? document.querySelector("button").addEventListener("click",handleClick); function handleClick(){ alert("I got clicked"); }
17 Respuestas
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Ok, when you're on sololearn codeplayground ,better to add the
//Your code here
And in your for loop use ";" no "," to separate instructions
for (vari=0 ; i<document.numberOfDrumButtons ; i++)
I tested that way and it worked.
+ 2
Sidepocket , hi,
And what is the error message...(type error, is not a function, couldn't initialize or something else...) ?.
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onload = function() {
var numberOfDrumButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".drum").length;
for (var i = 0,i < document.numberOfDrumButtons,i++){
alert("I got clicked");
+ 1
Can you put the link to your code, so we can check the whole?
Also sometimes, error occurs because js is loaded before the html and so it doesn't recognize parts of the code.To handle that you have either to put your js in script tag in the html , at the end of it , before the closing </body> tag or start your js file with:
//You insert your code here
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As you stored your buttons in variable numberOfDrumButtons, you don't have to repeat document in for loop just the name of the variable.
Then you gave no instruction in your for loop...
Maybe try to put your code within the
first to see if it give the same error
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Ok my brother, I was doing all of this exactly as it was done on a online course, I just realised that there's an error when executing it on Sololearn's Code Playground.
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Hi, I'm also learning javascript but idk if I'm right though.
In line 1 at the end of the line there is a full stop (.) instead of (;) semicolon.
I dk whether I'm right or wrong. I just tried to help :)
is the button a #id or a .class?
maybe the selector needs the „#“ or the „.“ befor the name.
and note that the queryselector only get the first element in the document with class="button" or id=„button“.
The problem my brother is that every challenge that has 'document.querySelector' gives me an error when I solve it using Sololearn's Code Playground.
Uncaught TypeError:Can't read property ''addEventListener' of null line:
Here is my HTML....
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1 id="title">Drum 🥁 Kit</h1>
<div class="set">
<button class="w drum">w</button>
<button class="a drum">a</button>
<button class="s drum">s</button>
<button class="d drum">d</button>
<button class="j drum">j</button>
<button class="k drum">k</button>
<button class="l drum">l</button>
Made with ♥️ in Johannesburg.
And JS....
var numberOfDrumButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".drum").length;
for (var i = 0,i < document.numberOfDrumButtons,i++){
alert("I got clicked");
Yeah I got it no EmmanueLZ. Thanks bro.
The error may because of Your declaration in next the calling event. Try declare the function first.
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i encounter same problem few days back...here is the solution.........just move your js link in your index page ...move it to the extreme end before the closing body tag.