Whats problem. write EOF problem when reading 8 line
while 4>1: print("chose one of them and write on console:") print("\t\t-added") print("\t\t-subtract") print("\t\t-multiply") print("\t\t-divide") print("\t\t-quite") user_input = input("tape here: ") if user_input == "quite": break elif user_input == "added": print("ok")
6 Respuestas
+ 1
unless your wondering why it doesn't loop and ask for user input again.. it does in a proper ide.. the SoloLearn playground has very mediocre user input ability and it won't let it loop back and get user input a second time
This runs fine in my ide
This looks like Python 3.X.X code. What version are you using in Python?
I coding in sololearn. i dont know which python versian in solo. But thank anyway
on PC use an ide. eclipse or Koda or the one that comes with python..
on an android phone use QPython3
Thanks, but how do I solve this problemm in SoloLearn?