+ 2
Can we take input from user globally in c
If yes can u say me how it is possible
23 Respuestas
+ 4
Maybe you are thinking of a function pointer. This compiles without error in C, and on SoloLearn it prompts you for input without any reference to x in main(). Other compilers likely would optimize and remove matr_size() and x as unreachable/unused code.
int (*x)()=&matr_size;
int main() {
//printf("%d", x());
return 0;
+ 4
Every code must be inside main function. If you mean this,
int x;
scanf ( x ); // is not allowed
printf (x);
it is not possible.
+ 2
K thanks for ur explanation
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Brian thaks for ur code
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Can't we even take through pointers by using dynamic memory allocation I have seen this in some articles I haven't got the complete information there
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But the code is not working
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Can I know why it is not compiling
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Is there any way to do that in C
+ 1
~ swim ~ k thanks
+ 1
By the way,it has out put such as ....global input-0
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#include <stdio.h>
int sum=0;
int main()
int a;
return 0;
+ 1
Mas Has thaks for the code
+ 1
Santosh kr Pathak thanks for the code
+ 1
Fro string you have to change
Int a;
By char name[];
And %d as %s
Yes dear you can as you just uploade your codes on this aap. And type the following code
Int main()
Int a
Printf ("you have enter the interger value a as %d\n",a);
return 0;
Jayesh Sharma but it is not globally declared right
Dear friend you are correct but this aap is for global people so they can refer it
You may find answer in https://www.dummies.com/programming/c/basics-of-global-variables-in-c-programming/, and you may browse through https://www.codingunit.com/c-tutorial-functions-and-global-local-variables, https://www.google.com/search?, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35744589/how-to-create-a-global-variable-using-user-input.