Can i use more staments in one line expresion if?
it seems like not :(
8 Respuestas
+ 3
You want to say "conditions" maybe?
What call you "statement"?
You cannot do :
if x > 0: if x < 10:
But you can do:
if x > 0 and x <10:
As well as:
if 0 < x < 10:
And combining as many 'and' and 'or' chained conditions...
+ 1
If you mean putting more than one statement on a line then yes, but the statements will need to end with a semicolon.
print ("1st"); print ("2nd");
+ 1
@Robin, not it doesn't. x++ is a syntax error in Python. Also, I tried your code, and it says "SyntaxError: invalid syntax" for the "x = 0"
You just can't Python...
I think you're confused. That would be a for loop not an if statement.
sorry my english isn't good , i was talking about logic conditions , i used &&, || , but recently i saw that would be (and , or )
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many times when writting an if statement, you have 3 peramiters
if (start condition, logic, end conditon)
it would look something like this
if (x=0, x < 3, x++)
(code to be executed)
so if you have an if statement that takes on many parameters, it may be more usefull to use a switch statement.
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i mistook the code for javascript. sorry about that. and no i cant pyton at all lol. at least not yet 😐 in javascript x++ would just add 1 to x
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it works for both