The bot does not respond to /start in any way

what am I doing wrong? I'm trying to launch a bot in telegram. I write the code in Pydroid. I loaded the necessary libraries. from telegram.ext import Updater import logging from telegram.ext import CommandHandler updater = Updater(token='My TOKEN', use_context=True) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) def start(update, context): context.bot.send_message(chat_id=update.effective_chat.id, text="I'm a bot, please talk to me!") start_handler = CommandHandler('start', start) dispatcher.add_handler(start_handler) updater.start_polling()

29th Apr 2020, 10:26 PM
Dmitry Kovalenko
Dmitry  Kovalenko - avatar
2 Respuestas
is there any additional console output or error message? and where do you define dispatcher? or is it provided?
4th May 2020, 5:39 AM
Jakob Meier
Jakob Meier - avatar
it turns out that this is due to the blocking of telegrams on the territory of the Russian Federation. damn idiots((
4th May 2020, 6:47 PM
Dmitry Kovalenko
Dmitry  Kovalenko - avatar