+ 6
Hello I know essentially nothing about programming will this be to hard to start straight off ? Thanks.
10 Respuestas
+ 10
nope it will not be! Sololearn provides very good beginner-friendly tutorials😀 try out html, it will be awesome!
+ 10
Not if you keep at it every day and stay persistent!
+ 5
initially you will be like, "what the heck is this?". But we learn in steps and jumps, so after a few days you'll get it all
+ 3
java is like a modest Girlfriend that you need to work hard every single day to learn anything about her, in short think of the positive side of benifits that java can provide you once that you learn it(Like making a Girl say YES)Lol
+ 1
everything is hard in the world but you have to be persistent. start with java, is better than C or C++ to start, good luck.
if you don't start you will never know. Learn to close yiur eyes and jump!
nope.try learning a little more about programing.
can i start at java or do i have to complete something else? like html
I'm kind of with you on this, but I did dip my toe in the HTML and JavaScript waters, and so far this learning method is fun and easy to follow! You'll get there! :D