11 Respuestas
+ 5
you can use kivy module for both android and iOS. but it will not be completely native like when built with java:
+ 2
well this is pretty relative. it matters what you wish to develop. i would always choose kivy over java because of its simplicity and all out-of-the-box widgets you can customize.
java is harder and it can get pretty messy if the project is too complex. to be honest i think sololearn app was built with java for android, but it has a lot of features and java seemed the best option in this case
+ 2
And that program that's right it's kivy isn't larger than which write with java
Last year I develope android program with c sharp xamarin but it has a big problem that its programs are very large in size when release
+ 2
Thanks a lot
+ 2
Using kivy module
+ 2
Yes , but not recommended
+ 2
Why not recommended?
+ 2
Can anyone explain how python code convert to android with kivy?
+ 1
Which is easier python or java for developing android apps
+ 1
I don't know about the size honestly, but why i would choose kivy over java is that the same app will run on both iOS and android without any modifications
+ 1
It uses buildozer for conversion