Can I make a computer virus that can protect my codes from online hackers
8 Respuestas
That’s illegal. making a virus and making everyone have it against their consent is not by the law, but if you did it, it would be a very complicated virus. Its better to just protect it on your own devices with encryption and stuff.
Virus that can protect codes? id this a white hat virus? 😮
But Kiibo Ghayal, if it is distributed on everyone’s computer without them downloading it, they haven’t agreed to having it, therefore its sadly illegal
okay if they wish to download and execute it, it certainly possible
Sure, here are some optiond:
1. Pull out the hard drive that has said code on it and keep it disconnected to any mother board.
2. Unplug it your computer.
3. Don't connect your pc to the internet.
Both options are free, and instant.
Who doesn't like free and instant, no cost and you control when it happens. No delays and you don't have to wait.
(sorry, couldn't help myself)