I can't add image.plz help
5 Respuestas
Where you want to add. In html or in python on anywhere else .
You can't add image here in any of programing languages.
But you can add this in html
By using following syntex.
<img src = "url" />
Src is the path of image which can be found by long taping the image and opening it in new tab and then copying its url.
+ 3
Use this inside your body tag.
<img src = img.jpg
alt = "img">
for eg
<img src = "https://api.sololearn.com/Uploads/Avatars/1.jpg >...
U can add image using img tag and src attribute
+ 3
RAKIBUL ISLAM whenever you see the image in Google drive to Hard press on the image and you will see a pop-up menu appears which contains download and various other things copy link and many more.
you have to click on open image then in a new tab that particular image which you have pressed will open and then you have to copy its link and paste it inside the img tag
How can i inter the url
Tnx . Nilesh for helping me