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I don't exactly understand what gets.chomp does in ruby.
I'm confused here. When we use gets let's say like this: Inf = gets Does the program consider whatever I submit AND the entire next line(space) as well as the value of inf? For instance if I submit "hello" , that won't be the only value of inf but the entire next empty line will also be considered the value of inf? I saw a similar example in the methods part in sololearn. Def greet(name=" ") If name =" " Puts "Greetings!" else Puts "Welcome, #{name}" end end greet(gets.chomp) When I used gets it didnt work as planned. I submitted nothing and yet it still didnt say "Greetings!" But said "welcome, " But when I used gets.chomp it worked.
1 Respuesta
Any input value, even nil values are different from no value at all.
See this: