6 Respuestas
+ 5
Divya Mohan , === is not a valid operator in python.
+ 4
= is assignment operater, a=b assigns the value b to the variable a for example f=10 assigns the value 10 to the variable f .it binds the object 10 to variable f. But == is a binary operator which compares it's operands and return whether they are equal or not . For example 5==5 returns true 6==5 returns false
+ 4
= is assignment operator.(assign value to var )
== is comparision operator for value (not date type) of variables.
+ 4
= is for assigning variable.
== Is for comparing purpose.
+ 1
I'm really sorry I have jst completed js.
+ 1
cat = 99 or mouse = input(). it gives a value to a variable. if x * 2 == y: or cats == cats[::-1] what == does is compare 2 values in regards to the surrounding code