+ 4
Mathematical issue
Q it's a 4 digit number, the last digit is double of the first digit.the 2nd and 3rd digits have to be same digit ,the first 2 digits should be double of last 2 digits like 1326 here 26 is double of 13,can anyone find the answer.
6 Respuestas
+ 3
It's 0000.
+ 3
Mirielle but looking at his example(1326) ,he is considering digits at once and tens place as first 2 digits.
If we take that into consideration then there is no possibile answer to this problem.
+ 2
It has to be a natural number
+ 2
for i in rang e(10):
for j in range(10):
for k in range(10):
for l in range(10):
if l==2*i and j==k and 2*(i*10+j)==k*10+l:
just run this python code