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The Last Quiz of 'Switch Statement' in C# Course Needs for Little Bit Correction

I am a SoloLearner. I am learning C#. I also learned C and C++ for your SoloLearn. I think a little correction needs in the Last Quiz of 'Switch Statement' in C# Course and that is I have given bellow. Quiz: "What would occur if we forget to include a break statement at the end of case code?" should be instead of "What would occur if we forget to include a break statement at the end of case code in C#?" If I don't give 'break' statement for 'switch' in C/C++ they don't return any error compilation. But the C# is totally exceptional from them. It is fallthrough protected.

31st Aug 2020, 8:08 AM
Muhammad Sultan Al Mahfuz
Muhammad Sultan Al Mahfuz - avatar
1 Respuesta
+ 4
It is contextually correct I think. The quiz is in the C# tutorial, and so the question in the quiz is obviously within the context of the tutorial (C# language) and not another languages.
31st Aug 2020, 8:44 AM