{Tips} How to make a good impression, here in sololearn? {Read}
I was reading some blog than i stumbled upon this, it was meant for stackoverflow by Jon Skeet but it fits well for sololearn also. Making a good impression 0.Register as a user and give yourself a meaningful name. It doesn’t have to be your real name, but frankly names like "Top Coder" or "Coding Guru" look pretty silly when you’re asking a question which others find simple. That’s still better than leaving yourself as "user154232" or whatever identifier is assigned to you by default though. Aside from anything else, it shows a certain amount of commitment to the question and/or site: if you’ve bothered to give yourself a name, you’re less likely to be an "ask-and-run" questioner. 1.Keep an eye on your question. There may well be requests for clarification – and of course, answers! If you receive an answer which wasn’t quite what you were looking for, explain carefully (and politely) why it’s not suitable for your purposes. Consider going back and editing your question to make it clearer for subsequent users. 2.Don’t add your own answer unless it really is an answer. Often users add extra details in an "answer" when they should really have just edited their question. Likewise editing your question is generally a better idea than adding a long comment to an existing answer – particularly if that comment contains a block of code (which won’t work well in a comment). If you do change the question in response to an answer though, it’s worth adding a comment to the answer just to let the user know that you’ve updated it though… you may well find they quickly edit their answer to match the revised question. 3.There’s no need to include greetings and sign-offs such as "Hi everyone!" and "Thanks – hope to get an answer soon" in the question. These will often be edited out by other users, as they’re basically a distraction. Greetings at the start of a question are particularly useless as they can take up valuable space in the snippet displayed in the question list. Continue in comment.