7 Respuestas
+ 4
Okay, so try these projects:
1. Number Guess: using binary search write a program that guesses an integer number you are thinking of (between 0 and 100). #binary_search #input #integer_division
2. Password Generator: using strings and random generate strong passwords you can later use logging up. #strings #random #yiell
3. Password Checker: check if the password entered is strong enough (is at least n characters long, has both upper and lowercase, contains numbers and symbols). #conditionals #in #set
4. The Hangman Game: a little more advanced, check user input and build a real game! #open_files #input #function #list #conditionals
+ 3
Hey 🐝
Start off with something easy! You could make a lambda function that calculates every odd number to the power 3 unless they're strictly superior to 1000.
It's up to your imagination and creativity. Add complexity once you completed this task 😉
Good luck and have fun Modes! 🙃
+ 3
Also, try some projects on:
• https://www.datacamp.com
• https://www.hyperskill.org
Interesting site for practice:
• https://www.codewars.com
+ 2
Try solving,
In sololearn {code coach, community challenges}
Other than that in website you can try hackerrank, hackerearth etc.,
+ 2
Thanks for your answers 😊 I will try it all
+ 1
Do you mean projects you can begin with? Like programs you can write?