+ 2

I would like to make a website, may I ask which website hoster should I use?

I would like to make a website that teaches programming, I have researched and found out that there are some website holsters which allow you to make a website even if you have no programming knowledge, but I would like to program my own website for the fun of it! Can I please receive some free website hosters that I should use? P.S. Thank you in advance! 😁

9th Sep 2020, 1:10 PM
Query - avatar
13 Respuestas
+ 3
Try Netlify
9th Sep 2020, 1:12 PM
Gordon - avatar
9th Sep 2020, 1:12 PM
minirkk - avatar
+ 2
Gordon, RKK, thanks for the recommendations and link to ChillPill's code! @RKK sure I will and am searching in Google!
9th Sep 2020, 1:15 PM
Query - avatar
+ 2
IMO, firebase is very easy to use and it also has a free plan. You can upgrade to paid plan any time as your requirements change. I used firebase to host this static site for free: https://lifesafe.web.app (Just a demo site) You can see source here if you like 😁: https://github.com/Omkar76/insurance-site -SSL is built in. -Fast delivery through cdn. -Single command deployment of new versions(`firebase deploy` command) -You get subdomain on web.app or firebaseapp.com. (much better than .tk , .ml, .ga?) Make sure you compare firebase with other alternatives and choose the one that fits your requirements. https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting
9th Sep 2020, 1:26 PM
🇮🇳Omkar🕉 - avatar
+ 2
{The Piqued Learner} you can us any code editor and IDE to write HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT code. And to execute your code you can use your default web browser such as chrome, Firefox.
11th Sep 2020, 7:42 AM
Vinay Khatri
Vinay Khatri - avatar
+ 2
Vinay Khatri thanks! 😁
11th Sep 2020, 8:01 AM
Query - avatar
+ 1
Hostinger has good prices, but if you plan on making it on your own, you should have good testing abilities first. XAMPP is a free sdrver hosting manager, you can make in it an apache (php) server, sql server, ftp server, mail server and tomcat server all on you own pc. It'll be much easier for you to host it on your own machine at first.
9th Sep 2020, 1:14 PM
coddy - avatar
+ 1
Try Google first for general questions https://www.quicksprout.com/best-web-hosting/
9th Sep 2020, 1:15 PM
Divya Mohan
Divya Mohan - avatar
+ 1
Divya Mohan I did😅
9th Sep 2020, 1:16 PM
Query - avatar
+ 1
If Your website is built on Python than i would recommend PythonAnywhere.com In pythonanywhere you can deploy your project for lifetime free.
10th Sep 2020, 4:16 PM
Vinay Khatri
Vinay Khatri - avatar
+ 1
Vinay Khatri How do I build a website? Where do I build a website?
11th Sep 2020, 12:06 AM
Query - avatar
+ 1
{The Piqued Learner}. To make a website from scratch you can use HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT for user interface and for back-end you can use any python framework such as Django, flask, etc.
11th Sep 2020, 3:18 AM
Vinay Khatri
Vinay Khatri - avatar
+ 1
Vinay Khatri but where do I build the HTML CSS and JavaScript?
11th Sep 2020, 7:22 AM
Query - avatar