Arrow function Javascript-Why my code show error?
const getUserChoice = ***(userInput)*** => { userInput = userInput.toLowerCase(); if (userInput==='rock' || userInput ==='paper'|| userInput==='scissors') { return userInput ; } else { return 'Error'; } } It working fine const getUserChoice = **userInput** => { userInput = userInput.toLowerCase(); if (userInput==='rock' || userInput ==='paper'|| userInput==='scissors') { return userInput ; } else { return 'Error'; } } It shows error. as far as I know, if a function has only one parameter it is not necessary to use parenthesis but in this code snippet, it seems like parenthesis is mandatory.can anyone explain why?
2 Respuestas
+ 2
I just removed the asterisks around the function parameter name and the code just works. What error message did you get BTW?
the 1st part is working but the 2nd part didn't.it shows syntex error although the only difference is a parenthesis in the parameter.