+ 1
can i practice my codes on my phone or it is a must to have a computer or laptop?
course practice
3 Respuestas
+ 3
It's is not at all a must to code with a laptop, most of my codes are done on my phone with a frontend editor called Spck Editor (the best I've seen so far, and trust.me, I've tried alot😉)
You need to get practice no matter what the medium is, so far it is ethical!
Link here 👇🏻
Andn pls this is a question that has reoccurred alot on Sololearn.
Make sure to seLaech for the question you want to ask and if it has not been asked, then you can ask your question 😉
You can do it on your phone.
Many user here are android user.
You can practice all language's(in courses here) codes on your phone.
I write most of my codes on phone, I don't own a laptop.
But tbh, it takes more time, and also afffects your health