+ 3

Can you help me to find my problem and give the correction please??


25th Sep 2020, 12:55 PM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
15 Respuestas
+ 6
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury haha ,I'll guide you to their ,you can learn and then code that :) it's not important that you must use ,but if u learn columns division it will be helpful to give the max and min media query values , how they differ from desktop ,ipad,mobile still more smaller devices ,once if you learn you will be able to give media queries differing values easily. https://youtu.be/WmwGpjg580o https://code.sololearn.com/W1j8s44RTQqJ/?ref=app you can use Google for more information!
28th Sep 2020, 1:11 AM
chaithra Gowda
chaithra Gowda - avatar
+ 5
You specified desktop path for images.how will that even work how can someone even open your desktop specified path images ! ,Well their is a way to upload image in sololearn Go through this and follow the steps:) happy coding!;) https://code.sololearn.com/Wy3lrXNwGsgJ/?ref=app
25th Sep 2020, 1:11 PM
chaithra Gowda
chaithra Gowda - avatar
+ 5
Cool:)) but ,It's not fully responsive Md.Ruhan Chowdhury ....if u use 12 columns grid it will be perfect try that once ;)
27th Sep 2020, 1:41 PM
chaithra Gowda
chaithra Gowda - avatar
+ 4
No even that won't work....follow that code instructions it will help you out! edit* u can specify width of your choice but only thing is it won't be responsive if you want to make a responsive code then use media queries for different device views or bootstrap.
25th Sep 2020, 1:12 PM
chaithra Gowda
chaithra Gowda - avatar
+ 3
good work now..😀
27th Sep 2020, 1:29 PM
KashishAggarwal - avatar
+ 2
Hey , Md.Ruhan Chowdhury 1.your images are not loading --> use proper links , if you are on pc then use correct pathnof that image(image should be in your pc) 2. Image width should be equal to users device --> you can make image width equal to users device width by applying width=" 100%" attribute 3.you footer should look little and better --> area of your footer should be equal to your footer text HAPPY CODING!!!
25th Sep 2020, 1:00 PM
Giriraj Yalpalwar
Giriraj Yalpalwar - avatar
+ 2
Chinmayee & Thirteen thanks .Is it ok to use this image src path ?I make correction in width which you can see now.
25th Sep 2020, 1:11 PM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
+ 2
Chaithra Gowda👑 thanks.I use imgur.com for link before.but now I buy laptop and do first time there.so I use link from offline.But now I understand online image path is the best way for using in building website.Thanks all for help me to find my fault
25th Sep 2020, 1:18 PM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
+ 2
i think your links not correct take it from chrome then open it in new tab and copy link now try it,..
27th Sep 2020, 9:33 AM
KashishAggarwal - avatar
27th Sep 2020, 11:34 AM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
+ 2
Chaithra Gowda👑 sorry.i don't understand that you say of using 12 columns grid.Can you give a example code on that?
27th Sep 2020, 4:23 PM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
+ 2
Chaithra Gowda👑 ohh...I saw it before in w3school.but it seems tough so I ignore it before.😁😁😁.Ok.I will learn this and use next time.
28th Sep 2020, 7:50 PM
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury
Md.Ruhan Chowdhury - avatar
+ 1
27th Sep 2020, 11:59 AM
Giriraj Yalpalwar
Giriraj Yalpalwar - avatar
heyy if it is not coming on code playground then you can use notepad... and on notepad type in the same code or just copy paste and then save the picture and the document in the same folder hope it will help u :)
25th Sep 2020, 1:06 PM
Chinmayee - avatar
Here a briefly solution this responsive website: https://code.sololearn.com/WJqv5tPfKuso/?ref=app
27th Sep 2020, 9:14 PM
JaScript - avatar