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[Solved] Is there a way to disable auto-complete on brackets, quotemarks etc. while writing code?
I.e. typing a bracket, quotemark etc. will only result in one symbol, not two. ( instead of () I haven't seen any such option like that in the settings.
4 Respuestas
+ 2
Adam Stork agreed. While auto-complete is nice, SoloLearn's isn't the greatest. I find it frustrates me more than it helps. It is one of the reasons I develop on my PC then copy to SoloLearn. Not everyone has that option, though.
+ 2
You mean on Sololearn playground?
No, there is no such option available to disable that.
In fact people love auto completion while coding.
+ 2
RDC Yes, in the playground, challenges etc.
Okay, that's too bad. It would be great if it were optional. It's counterproductive when you're editing and only need that one symbol.
Either way, thank you for your quick reply.
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MaddieL Indeed, more harmful than helpful, unfortunately. Besides SoloLearn I use QPython and the lack of auto-complete in it definitely suits me more. One stroke, one symbol. No need to delete anything.
It also has some other nice features that SoloLearn lacks, sadly, such as undo and redo buttons which are naturally a big help.
Writing code in an IDE and then copy pasting it to SoloLearn for evaluation sounds like an efficient way to deal with this issue, especially when it comes to more time-consuming codes, I might just try it. 👍