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read XML with JS
I need some kind way if reading.parsing XML files with JS. I need toknow how to: -select the first, second etc. child -get attributes of an element -get value of element -how many elements exist called:““ I would prefer jQuery
3 Respuestas
+ 6
JaScript thanks,
I have still a few unanswerd things
how do I get the first, second, etc. if there is more than on title, for example
How do I get an elements child WITH XML syntax, for exmaple get album would result in <title>Dirrty><year><2011></year>
How many elements exist as a child of an element, for example album would result in 2
Thank You!
+ 4
Today will be used mostly json which is easier to parsing. If you need xml you can do that i.e. as follows:
let myxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>' +
'<artists>' +
'<artist name="Christina">' +
'<albums>' +
'<album>' +
'<title>Dirrty</title>' +
'<year>2011</year>' +
'</album>' +
'</albums>' +
'</artist>' +
let myParser = new DOMParser();
let xmlDOM = myParser.parseFromString(myxml, 'text/xml');
let artist = xmlDOM.querySelector('artist');
console.log(artist.getAttribute('name')); // "Christina"
console.log(artist.querySelector('title').textContent); // "Dirrty"
console.log(artist.querySelector('year').textContent); // 2011
+ 3
Your welcome Galaxy-Coding . The selection of XML elements is similar to html DOM. The example as follows shows all needed for it. I hope, this will help you.