+ 10
Why school & colleges using too old softwares instead of modern softwares??
Why school & colleges using TURBO C software to makes the programme for c/c++ and why using NOTEPAD for web designing instead of any modern compiler or text editor?
22 Respuestas
+ 11
Perfect Questions, I'm a BCA student and I also code in notepad in my college.
I asked to my teacher, why we use notepad instead of VSC (Visual Studio Code). Means VSC is much stable, easy to use for coding but why not.
Then my Teacher said, you are using notepad just because you can learn things (tags, property, etc...) well.
By typing tags and property on your own, you'll memorised better.
Apart from notepad, VSC provide us so shortcuts and easy to code. Sometimes you'll forget the actual use of particular tag.
Conclusion: Using Notepad for Development is quite complicated but it will make you master to remember the stuff,
Rest you can upgrade yourself by VSC later.
I saw most of the users, blaming the Education System and they're not wrong too. But don't blame to anyone, learn things from yourself.
Hope you'll get my point.
Happy Coding
+ 16
Because this is what is there in syllabus and will be accepted in exams.
The fault is in system which has not been updated since ages.
Although they are fixing it now by introducing python in some school's syllabi.
+ 8
Mabey because using those older tools really make you remember how to code instead of autocompleting everything for you. There's no syntax coloring or error squiggles so you either get it right, figure it out real quick, or get sent home packing. It basically forces you to learn the basics
+ 8
Slick that accounts for fancy text editors but what about turbo ? It is nothing but garbage now.
+ 8
For absolute beginners writing their first html code, using Notepad or Notepad++ is probably not such a bad idea to ensure that they remember to close their tags etc. without relying too early on the magic of IDEs and more advanced editors.
+ 7
The reason maybe "Old is Gold"..
+ 7
In a rapidly changing field like computing it's difficult for traditional institutions to keep up with the pace of change. I suppose they need to be more agile probably by recruiting more motivated staff or via better management of their resources.
+ 6
Arsenic Yeah turbo is outdated as can be. Does almost none of the things I mentioned. I see the prof using it back in the day and now makes everyone in his class go through the pain as well. It would only make you appreciate ide's like vs so much more. Once you move to a more updated ide, coding should be a breeze!
+ 4
Some schools don't have the money to upgrade their program.
+ 4
Rishabh, I like your opinion, but we are talking about different things. In your case I am agree with your teacher, because if you want to use some ready tools, you should know all basic things in details for really good experience. In my case, everything is a little different, since the knowledge of the peculiarities of the operation of old processors and operating systems did not in any way relate to the topics that we had to learn on these computers. Here we are talking just about the fact that no one has allocated a budget for updating the devices themselves. I live in Ukraine, and believe me, I perfectly see and understand how our educational system specifically works. But I absolutely agree with the conclusion that a person should start analyzing problems with himself, and not blame someone. If you want to learn something and achieve something in this life, then you will definitely find a way to do it, regardless of various factors ..)
+ 3
Okay, I think I got it :D thanks to all for answering my question :)
+ 3
In Turbo C , you should write proper program using clrscr(), getch() etc. which are really not necessary in other editors like Vs Code. I think, that's why thery are using it. And other cases, Schools pr colleges focus more on completing syllabus instead of provides better knowledge. I think that's why. 😊
+ 3
Yes I got it , again thanks to alll!
+ 2
Most often the syllabus required student master the old once because the new once are more or less easier
+ 2
no pain no gain
+ 2
What do the initial stages and certain students have to do with it? In a general sense, this is about how to do it so that you really understand what you are doing, and not collect instructions in your head. I'll give you an example so that no one else shines with specifics. Do you want to learn how to write websites. You know there is some HTML in there, well, okay. But there is a bunch of CMS that do not even require knowledge of elementary tags. And another person decides to figure out what's what, starts learning HTML, CSS, JS, and manually writes the site code in a notebook, while testing it on a local server that is running on his own. The result is the same for both, but real knowledge is present in the one who, during his studies, thoroughly studied all the nuances, and did not use ready-made products.
+ 2
If you want better and faster learn a programming language you should use an easy editor without supporting a help by coding. So you lern all statements and structure of a language better and by heart. Once what shall be used in addition will be a debuger.
+ 1
Because schools are not up to date.
+ 1
While learning we have to start from the base and C is the base Of all softwares. And after that we will learning advanced meterials