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How to start from scratch?
Hi i am a uni student thinking of switching from mech eng to CS and i was wondering how to learn alot of stuff by myself including java and python. Any ideas?
4 Respuestas
Yameen Start by completing the courses offered on Sololearn as they are for beginners. Thereafter you can use other advanced sites, videos or the documentation to proceed with both or whichever on you prefer.
hi daniel thanks for the advice but say i want to practice coding and do my own projects which will help me easy my stress in uni. how would i go about doing that and like do you guys have any advice learning the basic maths involved?
also Jan Markus i think with my university i do learn programming but how does the math make you sick can you elaborate and what can i do to easy myself from stress and to learn the maths? youtube? practice?
i start in september again as iv interrupted my studies since it was too late to join the course so everything i am doing will be self learning. if anyone has more tips and advice please tell me on what i can do for the next 10 months on becoming good at coding and developing a passion for computer science as iv lost my passion for my old subject and need to discover a new one