+ 2
VS Code
my vs code only has create new file, but it doen't have create new project! I want it to create project for compiling c#.
6 Respuestas
+ 3
Because you should use Visual Studio (without Code), which is another software.
In my tutorial named
"Using JavaScript Libraries in ASP.NET Core Web App", I am teaching installation of IDE, creating project and so on step by step, here is the link:
+ 2
Parham Shafiei Sabet please do not post one question again and again with different tags.
It may consider as spam.
Community members will answer your questions.
Thank you for understanding.
+ 1
🇮🇳Vivek🇮🇳 For Linux user,
+ 1
Use an other compiler ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
Gordon but what if asker is using Linux operating system. I don't think. It is possible to install visual studio on Linux machine