My program doesn't work as I expected

The output is correct until some line were it stops working and is displaying this: timeout: the monitored command dumped core What can I do?

26th Nov 2020, 4:18 PM
H Ro
H Ro - avatar
3 Respuestas
+ 4
That is the result of division by zero in the line int d = a / ( c / 100 ); If you divide an integer by another integer, the result will be an integer as well (the decimal fraction is truncated), e.g. 10 / 4 = 2 4 / 10 = 0 So if you enter an integer smaller than 100 for 'c', c / 100 would be 0 and the next division would fail. If you expect a floating-point value from an arithmetic operation, at least one operand should be a floating-point type, e.g. 10.0 / 4 = 2.5 4 / 10.0 = 0.4 Keep in mind the conversion to int at the end will cut the fraction off again, and an input of 0 for 'c' will still lead to division by zero.
26th Nov 2020, 4:30 PM
Shadow - avatar
+ 1
Ok, thx for help
26th Nov 2020, 4:41 PM
H Ro
H Ro - avatar
Here is the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; /*Numarul de cazuri descoperite din ziua respectiva*/ cout <<"Introduceti numarul de cazuri descoperite din aceasta zi: "; cin >>a; cout <<a <<endl; int x; /*Statistica 1*/ cout <<"Introduceti cate cazuri nedescoperite se ascund in spatele unui caz descoperit: "; cin >>x; cout <<x <<endl; int b = a * x; /*Numarul de cazuri in total*/ cout <<"Numarul total de cazuri din aceasta zi: " <<b <<endl; int c; /*Statistica 2*/ cout <<"Introduceti numarul de decese raportate la 100 de cazuri: "; cin >>c; cout <<c <<endl; int d = a / (c / 100); /*Numarul de decese intr-o zi*/ cout <<"Numarul de decese din aceasta zi: " <<d <<endl; int e; /*Numarul de zile de la infectare pana la vindecare*/ cout <<"Introduceti numarul de zile de la infectarea unei persoane pana la vindecarea acesteia: "; cin >>e; cout <<e <<endl; int f; /*Numarul de infectari de acum e zile*/ cout <<"Introduceti numarul de infectari de acum " <<e <<" zile: "; cin >>f; cout <<f <<endl; int g; /*Numarul de decese de acum e zile*/ cout <<"Introduceti numarul de decese de acum " <<e <<" zile: "; cin >>g; cout <<g <<endl; int h = f - g; /*Numarul de vindecari din aceasta zi*/ cout <<"Numarul de vindecari din aceasta zi: " <<h <<endl; return 0; }
26th Nov 2020, 4:19 PM
H Ro
H Ro - avatar