+ 2
How can I program into my script an automatic 1:2 or 1:3 matrix merging system and which progm. Language can best help me?
1:2 or 1 :3 matrix merging system
5 Respuestas
+ 17
first you have to have a class or library in PHP that does a matrix system that you can can use and add to your framework or webserver , check through google you will see a lot of PHP library and their inclusions and use in you app.
+ 9
making a merging system is Independent of the programming language. The truth is you can use html and CSS for the layout and PHP for the server side
+ 2
lol..merging system, seriously ? 😃😅
+ 1
Can anyone help me with C #
@awele omeligwe. Yeah but I dont know how to execute the right functions in the codes and I don't know right to queries to use? Need some help...