+ 3
SWIFT language can used for programing games?
thanks for your awnser
15 Respuestas
+ 3
oh thanks for your awnser
+ 3
ok thank you for your awnser
+ 3
thanks my friend I am very happy to your help thanks 😁 for your attention
+ 2
and you know a program language used for programing games?
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I have 12 years old and you know how start in the programmer work
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+ 2
I want to programing games can you know how start in the this area
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+ 1
Swift is used for IOS development so yes you can use it for games as long as they are for iPhone, iPad etc.
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For programming games in general I think C++ is used very often, I'm sure some big games are made in C++
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If you do web development it's quite easy as you can go to local businesses and build websites for them and become a freelancer. Web development is also easier because putting your websites live on the internet is also easy
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For games there's many options. You can make browser based games which run within a website using JavaScript, you can make games using C# and games for mobile using Swift or Java depending on the platform
+ 1
I am very pleased with your answer, thank you.
+ 1
IOS games