Does anybody know this element that where we can use? <!--this is a comment-->
8 Respuestas
+ 6
anything enclosed between '<!--' and '-->' will be ignored by html parser... this is usually used to comment or tag your code ;)
+ 3
You can use <!--tag or comment--> to comment out any code in your html file.
+ 1
for ex we dont want the html read it?
+ 1
Comments can help other people to understand your code, but they are not visible on the page.
o so we use it for comments
got it tks bro
You can use this tag for your comments on your code!!
Comment is completely useless for output... Comment mainly used to explain about your code in code page, not in output.... If you develop a website professionally, you wont just write the code jumbledly. You will have to sort the code so that when somebody views code, they can understand it.