+ 3
Boolean Logic — Gold Purity
#trying to see what I did wrong with this code. Only getting one output for (18K).. purity = float(input()) if purity == 75.0 or 83.3 : print("18K") elif purity == 83.3 or 91.7 : print("20K") elif purity == 91.7 or 99.9 : print("22K") elif purity == 99.9 : print("24K")
6 Respuestas
+ 5
# anyway, in python (guess by your code), you could shorten the last 'and' statement to:
if 75.0 <= purity < 83.3:
+ 3
If you still need the code,
I tried this and it worked for me
purity = float(input())
#your code goes here
if purity >= 99.9:
elif purity >= 91.7 and purity < 99.9:
elif purity >= 87.5 and purity < 91.7:
elif purity >= 83.3 and purity < 87.5:
elif purity >= 75.0 and purity < 83.3:
+ 2
if purity == 75.0 or purity == 83.3:
# at least, plus simalar in elif statement to be valid...
however, you probably need something like:
if 75.0 <= purity and purity < 83.3:
# to check range instead of just two values...
+ 2
#I think stating a range will help your code
purity = float(input())
if 75.0 <= purity <= 83.3:
+ 1
thanks Mukhtar Al Maden!
I was stuck on that for so long and that code worked perfectly.
- 1
Hello Mukhtar Al Maden I have some questions about your code above: Why did you use "21K" and 87.5... I mean... where that info came from? I hope you can answer because I am still struggling to understand this test.