+ 5
How many ways is there to create a calculator in java
11 Respuestas
+ 3
Please could you list them at least 5
+ 1
Sharique Khan calci can be made using if statement, switch, method and say 2 more
+ 1
is it a quiz contest for me?or you need help in making a calculator in java? It's Me
take 3 input num1 operator num2 and show the calculation - Basic Calc
For Advance type use switch case
for more advance type take everything in string like “2+4*3” and convert them to do the calculation
+ 1
If you want to implement calculate with look and feel than html (HTML) with java (JAVA) script(JavaScript) is best to work with it.
It can be implemented easily with web features with style sheet (CSS).
It's Me I think you can make calculator easily using java because if you know fundamentals or basic of Java 😊😊😊😊
only what you have to do is take 2 numbers from user and operator
and use switch condition or if conditionals statement as I have done in this code this is js I know but if you will look it then you can get an idea of making calculator with any coding languages 😊😊
Technically there’s infinite ways :p
- 1
How many ways is there to create a calculator in java
- 1
There are only two ways technically hardware and software.
Please don't mind it