+ 2
why people do such?
Some days ago I saw a very dumb question ( which language would be better for beginner? -1day ago ) and i wrote a whole 8 lines of comment to help him. But once i thought to check his profile. CAn't believe that guy was at Level 16 and has completed almost all the language course. Later on I saw such more question posted by such person who have completed most of courses and even replying the thank you comment. Can someone explain it?
5 Respuestas
+ 6
yes... that's seems probable...
earn badge means earn few xp, and xp are hunted at any price by most of sololearn users (unfortunatly ;P)
+ 4
probably for badge hunt ^^
+ 3
look at how many users starts a lot of courses at same time: did you think they do that for learning? ;)
+ 2
seriously, Level 16 guy would post that question just for badge.
+ 2
It's like theres no youtube or google to help u.