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what is the difference between an api and an sql queri?
I saw in google an api is a way to get data from the database , but if i use a form in html with queris in php i also can get the data
6 Respuestas
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Jorge Corante
API is use to get stored information from database to anywhere. Actually when we make our product then we don't share our private data to anyone. But if someone wants data from our side then we make API and using that API anyone can get your data.
In PHP you also make database connection to get data from database using SQL queries.
So there is no difference between API and SQL queries. Actually when you make API, without using SQL queries you can't get data.
The last statement was in the sense of SQL queries in API and SQL queries in PHP. There is no difference both use for same purpose.
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If there is no similarity then there is no difference but you can say there is relation with API and SQL queries. API use to get data from database through server side to client side. So SQL queries play important role in API.
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I was saying in the perspective of SQL queries in API and SQL queries in PHP. There is no difference. Both use for same purpose.
API delivers a request for data, server fetches the data using a query.
You make less sense than Pied Piper.
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There's no difference between API and SQL Queries? What do you mean?
This is not correct in any way or form.