Differences Between SQL Types

Hey, my question is: what's the difference between SQL, MySQL, NoSQL, SQL Server, SQLite etc.. I learn SQLite at school (just the code of queries and creation of a table) and making relational ERD's and Microsoft Access Databases. But I don't know anything else than that... Thanks to all helpers.

29th Mar 2021, 9:36 AM
Yahel - avatar
16 Respuestas
+ 5
Nothing is wrong. Your explanation obviously helped the asker, but I found it also a little confusing, so I wanted to add a little more clarity. Peace out 🖖😉
30th Mar 2021, 4:50 AM
Tibor Santa
Tibor Santa - avatar
+ 2
Yahel MySQL is open source RDBMS. Open source means no need to buy it. SQL server is developed by Microsoft and it's a paid version means to use on production server you have to but it. NoSQL database are used in big data and real time Web application. In NoSQL database we store data in different ways like store data as key-value pair, store data in JSON format. Memcache, Amazon ElastiCache and Redis database comes in NoSQL database. SQLite is a open source RDBMS software. SQLite is serverless means doesn't require a seperate server process or system to operate, zero-configured means no need to configure in system like do with other database..
29th Mar 2021, 10:08 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 2
Yahel To store and access database you have to do some configuration in your application. There is different ways to configure database. In Java there maybe different ways, in python there maybe different ways. Every languages have own ways to configure database. You will learn further when you will do actual programming.
29th Mar 2021, 10:13 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 2
Tibor Santa There maybe confusion but on the SQLite official website this statement is given "SQLite source code is in the public-domain and is free to everyone to use for any purpose". If here I said open-source then what is wrong?
30th Mar 2021, 4:24 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
Yahel That is not SQL types. There is only one SQL language and rest are Just tools to run SQL queries and store data and access data through queries so they are called as Database tools.
29th Mar 2021, 9:40 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
Yahel SQL used with backend languages like Java, C#, Python, PHP to access data and Store data in Databases like MySQL, SQL Server etc. So we can use SQL for website as well application also. For example Sololearn itself use SQL for Application and Website. Like your this question whenever you ask any question it stores in their database and you can see this question on website also because they are using same database.
29th Mar 2021, 9:50 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
Yahel Microsoft access is not a database. You can access data anywhere through Microsoft access. Data stores locally on your system.
29th Mar 2021, 10:10 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
🅰🅹 Thanks! Have a good day :)
29th Mar 2021, 10:13 AM
Yahel - avatar
+ 1
🅰🅹 you've got many of your "facts" wrong. SQL is a query language for relational databases. It has one common standard specification. But there are multiple "dialects" or variants of the language with minor differences, because tech companies did their development sooner than the language was standardized. These dialects are MySql, PostgreSQL, Oracle SQL, MSSQL etc. Then there are database engines, software that actually store data and you are able to communicate with them via SQL. These are SQL Server (from Microsoft), Oracle Database, MySQL Database etc. They can run on your local machine or in the cloud. Microsoft Access is also such software but its bundled with some nice UI and extra features. NoSQL is a different story, conceptually it has a different storage mechanism as relational databases, that allows more dynamic variations in data structure, or to store unstructured data. Even in NOSQL there are many variants like key-value, document store, columnar and graph. No uniform query language.
30th Mar 2021, 3:50 AM
Tibor Santa
Tibor Santa - avatar
+ 1
Also there is a confusion about free vs paid vs open-source. Open source means that its source code is publicly available, and generally anybody can contribute to it, add features, fix bugs etc (if you have sufficient technical knowledge). This is the opposite of "proprietary" or closed-source, when a company develops the software in-house. But there are free versions of the proprietary databases too that you can download and use without cost. Examples: SQL Server 2019 Express, Oracle Database XE And sometimes, open source software is developed mostly by a specific company and they offer paid support packages, so if the client has errors or issues, the company is bound to fix it. Such is the case with MySQL and even with Java.
30th Mar 2021, 4:03 AM
Tibor Santa
Tibor Santa - avatar
+ 1
Tibor Santa As per my knowledge free version which is freely available to use on production server as well as for development purpose. Paid version means freely available to use for development purpose but for production server companies take charge per client.
30th Mar 2021, 5:06 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
Tibor Santa Well I am not angry. 😃😃😃
30th Mar 2021, 5:08 AM
A͢J - avatar
+ 1
Zundal 99 Don't spam and share non-programming videos
30th Mar 2021, 9:00 AM
A͢J - avatar
🅰🅹 ok, thanks. Btw, I have another question. Do you use sql only with Applications on devices OR Websites? Or are there more things to use it with?
29th Mar 2021, 9:45 AM
Yahel - avatar
🅰🅹 Thanks, makes sense :) . One last question if I may... How can you create a Database and start storing data inside it? I learn Microsoft Access and I don't think that you can link it in code to your project... I think it's mostly used for self use from your own computer...
29th Mar 2021, 9:59 AM
Yahel - avatar
Tibor Santa Well I just given small and basic discription. Okay now just tell him what is "dialects". Do you think new learner will know what is "dialects". Can you tell me what I have told him wrong?
30th Mar 2021, 3:51 AM
A͢J - avatar