bottles of beer song won't run.\Playground\:28: error: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 1 error
public class BeerSong { public static void main(String[] args) { int beerNum = 99; String word = "bottles"; while (beerNum>0) { if (beerNum==1) { word="bottle" ; } System.out.Println(beerNum+""+ word +"of beer on the wall"); System.out.Println(beerNum+""+ word +"of beer"); System.out.Println("Take one down"); System.out.Println("Pass it around"); beerNum= beerNum -1; if(beerNum>0) { System.out.Println (beerNum + ""+ word +"of beer on the wall"); } else { System.out.Println ("No more bottles of beer on the wall"); } } } } }