Why i received error when trying to print var(Short code)
CANT PRINT VARIABLE IN LAST LINE import Foundation func string_a(_ input: String) -> String { var chars = input let index_start = chars.index(after: chars.startIndex) let index_end = chars.index(before: chars.endIndex) let middleRange = index_start ..< index_end var sub_string = chars [middleRange] var newString = String (sub_string) //IT WONT PRINT THIS while sub_string.contains("a") { sub_string.remove(at: sub_string.firstIndex(of: "a")!) } chars.replaceSubrange(middleRange, with: sub_string) return String(chars) } print(string_a("abcaad")) print(string_a("abcada")) print(newString) //Errmsg: Cannot find newString in scope
2 Respuestas
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newString only exists withing the scope of the function string_a(). It cannot be accessed outside of the function.
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You can print it from inside the function. Put the print statement under the line where newString is defined.