How can I report a code coach problem.
I write a solution for code coach which was correct. But still I got it failed.
7 Respuestas
+ 2
The Stone read the question carefully. You get 1 ticket every 12 scores. If you have enough tickets to purchase the item, "Buy it!" is printed.
The input for this is the score and price, meaning what a stores is the score.
+ 2
From what can you tell that your solution is correct? In which assignment do you encounter the difficulty?
I'm not saying that the problem is not glitched, but if you didn't pass the assignment, you can barely tell that whether is the assignment system or your code gets problems.
+ 2
Genuine Stalwart
Yep I got it in less than a sec!
I just not read the line carefully
+ 1
i think only way is to contact mods.
here is sololearn email: info@sololearn.com
+ 1
Genuine Stalwart
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int a,b;
printf("Buy it!");
printf("Try again");
return 0;
Case #1 :
input is 100 and 50
so answer should be Buy it!
but it show correct answer to be Try again
The Stone What is the assignment for this code?
Its named Skee-ball. You can check it too