+ 2
Hi Harsh Kishore Here is your fixed code https://code.sololearn.com/Wf1dFmjL1WXg/?ref=app 2 things: 1 .value is used to get value from input tags 2. .textContent = is used to set value of text in p tags Also did you want to add one to the value of #abc? Because i added that to
6th Jun 2021, 3:37 AM
Ollie Q
Ollie Q - avatar
p elements have no 'value' properties (only input/form fields have one)... for most of elements you should assign the 'textContent' property ;) (or innerHTML if you want to replace html code)
6th Jun 2021, 3:37 AM
visph - avatar
as you get value as string you should convert it to number to avoid string concanetation: Number(string_value)+1
6th Jun 2021, 3:59 AM
visph - avatar
as you use value or textContent: by assigning an html string wich will be parsed on the fly to update the page/element content ;)
6th Jun 2021, 4:09 AM
visph - avatar
say you want assign to paragraph a string with a line break: document.getElementById("def").innerHTML = "Hello<br>World";
6th Jun 2021, 4:11 AM
visph - avatar
search in Q&A: this question has been posted a lot of time ^^
6th Jun 2021, 4:18 AM
visph - avatar
what case?
6th Jun 2021, 4:21 AM
visph - avatar
Hi Harsh Kishore Just added a parseInt to convert the value of x to an integer. It should work now
6th Jun 2021, 4:23 AM
Ollie Q
Ollie Q - avatar
parseInt() converts the value in the parentheses to an integer if possible. So if you had the string “43” and passed it into the parseInt() function it would convert it from a string to an integer and allow you to use mathematical operations such as + or - on it Also #abc refers to the input tag as it’s id is abc and the # is used to reprent id in css
6th Jun 2021, 4:29 AM
Ollie Q
Ollie Q - avatar
Harsh Kishore first you must distinguish between assignement operator (=) and comparison operator (==)... then you make an if..else statement as: if (x==1) { htmlElementReference.textContent = "true"; } else { htmlElementReference.textContent = "false"; }
6th Jun 2021, 4:33 AM
visph - avatar
document.getElementById("abc").innerHTML = parseInt(x) + 1;
6th Jun 2021, 4:39 AM
visph - avatar
but in that case, you doesn't need to parse value as html: better to use textContent... also, using Number() allow int or float... there's also a parseFloat() function ;)
6th Jun 2021, 4:41 AM
visph - avatar
parseFloat() allow int as well... difference between parse{Type} and Number is that formers allow numbers with anything after (ignored), while later only accept numbers: parseFloat("2px") => 2 Number("2px") => NaN (Not a Number special value)
6th Jun 2021, 4:44 AM
visph - avatar
htmlElementReference was just a meaningful name to say "a variable wich hold the reference of the targeted element ^^ the values assigned were just to show what apply in wich case... your code must be: if (x == 1) { document.getElementById("def").textContent = "welcome"; } else { document.getElementById("def").textContent = "sorry try again"; } prefer to use textContent when you not need to put html tags ;P
6th Jun 2021, 4:56 AM
visph - avatar
Hi Harsh Kishore Great to see some of your work. Happy coding!
9th Jun 2021, 7:41 AM
Ollie Q
Ollie Q - avatar
9th Jun 2021, 7:53 AM
visph - avatar
- 1
7th Jun 2021, 12:31 PM
泽 X
- 1
i don't know about Syntex work. I am a beginner help please
8th Jun 2021, 1:37 AM
Ayush kumar Gupta