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Good day,ladies and gentlemen :)
Good day, friends. This question is both simple and complex. I want to change the field of activity. Is it realistic to enter IT after 30? Where to start, what books are worth attention? So far I started with the Python language.
3 Respuestas
+ 5
Smooth change...
Learn Python (2 months should do it with good motivation)
At next of your presentations show some matplots
Let them know, u coded the plots
Code some useful tools and show your colleagues and all others.Beat the drum!
Automate the boring stuff
Any Introduction into pandas and matplotlib and numpy
Any book with secret tipps
Functional programming with python
If u got a foot into and lets say one year experience:
Freelancer or hire as software developer but leave your position.
+ 2
Yes it does. It gives you a structure.
Some universities allow guest audiences.
Community highschools are lowlevel but a perfect entry if YOU are the teacher(very good method)
Moocs....hmmm maybe after basics and with lots of practice.
SL lessons are not so bad .... tbh: they are good.
But use your fingers as much as your brain.
And just now: which 5 programs are useful in your company right now?
Automatet PDFs
Some repeated Excel stuff?
A database of all skills of your colleagues?
What could be your first project?
Keep in mind while learning!
Oma Falk, thanks for the advice. So I will delve further into Python. Does it make sense to take any courses?