how can I loop through a string and store or print its values wide?
hello everyone, I would like to ask a question, how could I separate a string but in pairs?, what I try to do is separate a hexadecimal code into even values and then do an operation and convert them to rgb, the issue is that I do not know how I could separate something like this: "#777777" in pairs, I would like to ask a question, how could I separate a string but in pairs?, what I try to do is separate a hexadecimal code into even values and then do an operation and convert them to rgb, the issue is that I do not know how I could separate something like this: "#777777" in pairs, could you give me any idea?. Gracias de antemano. Usé un traductor espero que no se vea tan mal.
6 Respuestas
+ 4
Use substring method to extract the hex color code, and use parseInt to convert hex string to decimal number.
Here an example to get red color code:
const str = '#123456';
// to get Red value
const Rhex = str.substring(1,3); // extract substring from position index 1 to 2
const Rint = parseInt(Rhex, 16); // convert to decimal
console.log('Rhex = ' + Rhex);
// expected output: "Rhex = 12"
console.log('Rint = ' + Rint);
// expected output: "Rint = 18"
Sam Vásquez You assignment now, please calculate hex and decimal values of green and blue color using the above example.
+ 3
Sam Vásquez Just get G and B values by using my example first.
Once you have RGB values, I will show you the way to get them set in an array.
+ 1
Sam Vásquez I've already transformed the R. But I don't show a full solution. I want you to transform G and B in order you can grasp the knowledge.
Calviղ if thanks, but that transforms it to rgb?, I seek to transform a hexadecimal into rgb, in addition, I also seek to do it several times, without being so specific with the substring
Calviղ what I want to know is how I can divide a string into pairs and save it in an array, the conversion operation I saw in a post and to be able to do it, I need to divide the hexadecimal into pairs
okay I'll try it with the examples to see how it goes, thanks 👌