+ 2

how to add images to web code?

I am working on my site and did not understand how in HTML and CI am working on my site and did not understand how in HTML and CSS add background image. help me please

28th Aug 2021, 9:05 AM
Данил Каримов
Данил Каримов - avatar
2 Respuestas
+ 1
Something from Sololearn that I use. https://code.sololearn.com/WG8Eql4ZZmbU/?ref=app
28th Aug 2021, 9:09 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar
+ 1
This is a sample specific to background image. Replace the URL with the link of your choice https://code.sololearn.com/WbZ4ak0uSkY0/?ref=app
28th Aug 2021, 9:18 AM
Rik Wittkopp
Rik Wittkopp - avatar