4 Respuestas
+ 3
AKSHAY🇮🇳 thks for replying . I appreciate the help but that is not what i am looking for .
archlinux is a linux distro that use pacman to manage package installation upgrading and for removing them easily .
pacman can be used to install python packages from arch user repository but it doesn't have every python package .
I can install python packages using pip but then upgrading and removing them would be difficult so after looking up for the right method i came across this PKGBUILD file that can be used by pacman to install a package that isn't hosted on aur.
+ 1
Then I don't have knowledge about this.
You are also a experienced person, I assume that you have already *googled* about your problem.
So there is one option left i.e, ask this question in specific community (arch-linux) forum.
+ 1
Have you seen this
Do you mean to deploy python application on linux then try cx_freeze