How to use curl to make request to secure public ip ( django server without error?
I get the following error when i make request to the url ( above ip:port ) . I have secured it using mkcert . (Did following steps to add certificate , mkcert -install, mkcert -cert-file rootCA.pem -key-file rootCA-key.pem localhost project root)) And the following line to run server using root CA and rootCA -key file : python runserver_plus --cert-file rootCA.pem --key-file rootCA-key.pem Now i made a curl request : "curl but i get the following error , "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate" I used google to search on the issue(someone said it is os not recognising the certificates) but couldn't understand anything on how to solve it . Any help is much appreciated! Ps: i am using termux and device is using android os. Edit: i followed this article for http to https.