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How to write using python?
ls = [1,2,3] output should be ls = [1,2,3,9,4,1]
6 Respuestas
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Lets see a try. Think about the relation between the first 3 and last 3 numbers
no way Aleksei Radchenkov ! they gotta be squares of the first 3 numbers in reverse order! Or mabey i am thinking too deep haha
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Slick , mate you are thinking too deep 🤣
It's just nonsence...
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ls = [1,2,3]
You know you must square the numbers in a reversed format and append to the list.
That sounds like a psuedo code
create a loop in reverse format.
square each item of the loop
append to the list
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you are right slick they just squared the no. and reversed it
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I didn't even see the attempt of an attempt. Please post the code showing what you've done to work on this. I gave the answer
Please provide the solution