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How do v_table and v_ptr work internally?
Are v_tabkes of base class inherited by derived class? Class Base { Public : Virtual void print() { Cout <<"Base print "<<endl; } }; Class Derived : public Base { Public: Void print() { Cout<<"Derived print"<<endl; } }; Int main() { Derived d; Base* b= &d; b->print(); Return 0; } Here is Derived having its own new set of v_table, or is it inheriting Base v_table and appending new virtual funcs in Derived, if any? Will Derived get only the overriden virtual func of the Base or the Base v_table as such?
4 Respuestas
+ 1
V-tables (or virtual tables) are how most C++ implementations do polymorphism. For each concrete implementation of a class, there is a table of function pointers to all the virtual methods. A pointer to this table (called the virtual table) exists as a data member in all the objects. When one calls a virtual method, we lookup the object's v-table and call the appropriate derived class method.
For all it's worth, it is not a standard C++ terminology. It is just an implementation detail used by the implementation to implement virtual functions/dynamic binding
Reference from stackoverflow
For more info https://practice.geeksforgeeks.org/problems/what-are-vtable-and-vptr
+ 1
"Every class that uses virtual functions (or is derived from a class that uses virtual functions) is given its own virtual table." ..thank you sir...
Refer this post you will get better explanation
Cud u pls explain the internal working with v_ptr and v_table?