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Confused on what the error is in my code
random = 'abc sjfiwb' random[3:6] print(random[2:7]) print(input("enter a number: ")) * (input("enter a word: ")) I was practicing what I learned and I was trying to multiply a word entered by the number entered, so it would repeat the word that amount of times. what am I doing wrong? I tried changing it over and over to no avail
7 Respuestas
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well I did put int at the beginning, so I'm confused why the format I used doesn't work?
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I just used word and num as variables.
input() ... this takes input as a string
int(input()) ... this takes input as an integer.
word=input() gives word the value of whatever word(s) you give it
num=int(input()) gives num the value of whatever number you give it.
same as you did above with your first line. you made a variable called random and gave it a value of abc sjfiwb. that's all num is. just what I named a variable
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@Eranga what's the extra parenthesis at then end for? tried it in my code and that got an error so that don't know how it worked in that one
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print(input("enter a word: ") * int(input("enter a number: ")))
inputs by default are strings. if you want one input to be a number, cast it as an integer. to explain it in an easier to see way, here.
word=input("Enter a word")
num=int(input("Enter a number"))
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the format you used will work. if you have your input wrapped inside of int() it will. you do have a second ) after your number input however
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Let me break down ur last line.
print(input("enter a number: ")) * (input("enter a word: "))
Below I have separated the code from * in to 2 parts
1=> print(input("enter a number: "))
2=> (input("enter a word: "))
1=> gets user input and print it
2=> just get the users input
1*2=> u trying to multyply these two. I think now u understand there is something very wrong here.
Correct Code:
print(int(input("enter a number: ")) * (input("enter a word: ")))
I will do the same.before that let me omit the print statement.
it will look like below
int(input("enter a number: ")) * (input("enter a word: "))
1=> int(input("enter a number: "))
2=> (input("enter a word: "))
1=> get user input and convert it into an integer
2=> get user input which is a string
let's say user entered number 2 and "word" as word
1*2 => 2 * "word"
result => wordword
now u want to print this
print(1*2) => print(int(input("enter a number: ")) * (input("enter a word: ")))
I thing u r referring to open and close paranthacis of 2nd statement (input("enter a word:")). paranthacis used for grouping but here u can avoid it.it will be input("enter a word:")
If I clean up this code little bit. I'm using variables here nTimes,myWord.it helps to break our statements and clear code for better understanding.
nTimes = int(input("enter a number: ")
myWord = input("enter a word: ")
print(nTimes * myWord)